Saturday, 7 February 2015

Emma Anya's YouTube

at February 07, 2015
So this was supposed to be put into my 'February Favourites' however I think she deserves her own special blog post because she's so special. Now, I admit I am a little biased considering I know her pretty well but I assure you that you'll agree with me!

Emma enjoys to sing and if you're asking me (and anyone else) then I would say she pretty darn good! You can listen to her sing here.

Emma is also really funny as displayed by her twitter.

The whole point to this blog post was to show my lovely readers a new YouTube channel which Emma has. This year she has promised me that she will post more videos for her lovely viewers.

I guarantee you will love her videos so please take just a short time out of your day to subscribe to her.

Thank you for reading,
I love you all,

Bee xox

Emma's Links
YouTube: Emma Anya
Twitter: @emmaanya

My social media links:
Twitter: @bekiilouxox
Instagram: beelouisee


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