Monday, 1 December 2014

Blogmas Day 3: A different type of Christmas

at December 01, 2014
Many people see Christmas as happy time and a special day to spend with family, friends and those who mean the most to us.
It's a time to spread joy and to smile and laugh until it hurts.
Some people don't have a Christmas like this though.
While you're relishing in new gifts and lovely cooked food, please remember those who are not as fortunate as us.
To all of those spending your Christmas in a place not called home, I'm sorry and I hope that you are at least spending your time with those who care about and those whom you love.
To all the doctors and nurses who work on Christmas, I thank you for your incredible services to us. I'm sure I'm speaking for many when I say that I am so grateful for you. Your job isn't an easy one and I can't even contemplate what it might be like spending Christmas without family.
Keeping people like this in our thoughts only puts things into perspective.

And remember, some people are so poor, they only have money... 


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